English is an international language has a great influence toward
development all over the world, especially for Indonesia as a developing country.
It is as promotion, transportation, tourism, studying abroad, International business,
entertainment, scientific, and technical research, and word peace. We should
master English because it is quite necessary and urgent for Indonesian people,
particularly for students.
English has multi functions for all fields of education which has an
important role in absolving and developing science, technology, culture. Teacher
of English needs it for communication and establishing relationship with other.
Realizing how important the English language, our government includes
English in the second curriculum as a compulsory subject for student in our
country. It is tough from elementary school to university level as an optional
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Bạn đang xem trước 20 trang tài liệu How To Help Students Build English Sentence by Using the Game of Card (Làm thế nào để giúp sinh viên xây dựng câu tiếng Anh bằng cách sử dụng các trò chơi của thẻ), để xem tài liệu hoàn chỉnh bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
A. Background
English is an international language has a great influence toward
development all over the world, especially for Indonesia as a developing country.
It is as promotion, transportation, tourism, studying abroad, International business,
entertainment, scientific, and technical research, and word peace. We should
master English because it is quite necessary and urgent for Indonesian people,
particularly for students.
English has multi functions for all fields of education which has an
important role in absolving and developing science, technology, culture. Teacher
of English needs it for communication and establishing relationship with other.
Realizing how important the English language, our government includes
English in the second curriculum as a compulsory subject for student in our
country. It is tough from elementary school to university level as an optional
There are four components skill in learning English, namely: reading,
writing, speaking, and listening. the researcher just want to focus in writing skill
because writing as productive skill is quite important in developing student’s
competence and performance of language. English as a foreign language in
writing class provides language exposure for the students in using use the
It is important to emphasize writing, because it rarely a separate activity in
integral language classroom. (Pappas, 1990:152)
In other word, writing can be a way of expressing idea through written
form or is a process of building larger units from smaller ones that it the write
uses words to make a composition.
By writing, we can compare our opinion with the people who read our
writing. Good writer doesn’t know everything about the subject, but listen well
enough to enter into conversation with others about it. Writing can be as media in
expressing feeling and self expression and it can be enjoyed not just for the writer
itself but also for the reader. That is why people want to write to express their
feeling, idea, or thought and to read by other. Communication is occurred between
writer and reader even though reader agrees or not with the writer.
Sentence is a group of words that has a least on subject and one predicate
and that express a complete thought to be a sentence. In teaching writing there are
many techniques usually used by teacher, one of them is to make a sentence or
using game. (Miffin, 1984:45)
Game can stimulate student’s interest and also increase the student’s
ability in writing especially in making sentence. A properly introduce game can be
one of the highest motivation and techniques. Right now there are many games in
learning English, and it has been publish many books talking about how to make
sentence. Teaching the student writing through game have to be related to the
context of teaching at the time, because there are many games right now related
how to arrange sentence. (Callum and George, 1950:40)
In English learning, arrange sentence is one of problem that faced by the
students. Sometimes they are difficult to do that. One of method that is believed
can increase the students’ ability in making sentence is chain card game. It can
help the students to arrange or make sentence, the chain card game can be arrange
sentence and also it can build the student’s vocabulary.
Based on the explanation above, here the writer is interested in conducting
a research entitles “Increasing the Student’s Ability to Make English Sentence
through Chain Card Game’’
B. Problem Statement
Based on the background above the researcher formulates a research
question as follows:
1. How is the increase students’ ability to use simple sentence through chain
card game?
2. How is the increase students’ ability to use compound sentence through
chain card game?
3. How is the increase students’ ability to use complex sentence through
chain card game?
A. Objective of the Study
The objective this research as follows:
1. To explain whether or not chain card game can increase the students’
ability to use simple sentence.
2. To explain whether or not chain card game can increase the students’
ability to use compound sentence.
3. To explain whether or not chain card game can increase the students’
ability to use complex sentence.
A. Significance of research
In accordance with the problem statement above this research is expected
to be beneficial for personal or institute as follows:
a. For student
1. Student can be active in learning process, because in learning process
students should make cooperation with their group.
2. Students will not be doubt to answer the question from their teacher.
3. Students have tutor that can help them if they find the difficulties to
arrange the sentence.
4. Can increase the motivation of students because they can play while study.
5. To build up consciousness of the importance of grammar to support the
mastery of language skill.
a. For teacher
As distribution for the teacher, especially English teacher in order they can
choose and apply game learning method that can make the student
interested in studying.
b. For school
As an input to recover the system of the school where the research is done.
c. For the researcher
The researcher is expected can take direct experience in applying the chain
card game strategy.
A. Scope of the Study
The writer limits the study to the ability of the students in second grade of
SMP GUPPI SAMATA GOWA in using chain card game strategy to increase the
students’ ability in making English sentence focuses on simple sentence,
compound sentence, and complex sentence especially in present simple sentences.
A. The Concept of Chain Card Game
1. What is chain card game?
Chain card game is a free translation from “Permainan Kartu Berantai”
(Carrier, 2009:2). All players are plated these cards as play ramie card. In this
game players have to arrange their cards so they can be a sentence, or play the
cards to continue the other player’s sentence that haven’t finished yet. It can be in
the first or the last card construction.
A card game is any game using playing cards as the primary things with
which the game is played, be they traditional or game specific. Some games have
formally standardized rules; whole rules for others can vary by region, culture and
person. A card game is played with a deck of playing cards intended for that game
that are identical in size and shape. Each card has two sides the face and the back.
The back of the cards in a deck are indistinguishable (except for those games
employing the non standard cards commonly accompanying a deck of cards, such
as calendar cards), preventing any player who cannot see the card’s face from
knowing its value. The faces of the cards in a deck may all be unique, or may
include duplicates, depending on the game. In either case, any card is readily
identifiable by its face. The set of cards that make up the deck are known to the
entire player using that deck. (Wilkipedia, 2009:1)
2. How to Play Chain Card Game
To support this research, so the writer makes tools such as: lesson plan
(RPP), LKS, cards, observation test and interviewing. This game can be played by
four or more people, with six numbers of cards for each set. This number can be
add or decrease. Every card has one word that is a separate sentence that has
arranged, so if the cards are played well, they will become right sentence. All
players are played the cards as play ramie card. In this game, players have to
arrange their cards so they can be a sentence or play the cards to continue other
player sentence that haven’t yet can be in the first or the last card construction.
These cards are made of cartoon with size 5x8 cm. This size can be made based
on our taste. (Andreas Suwarno, 2003:3)
3. The Steps of Chain Card Game
a. The first, teacher explains about simple present tense
b. The second, teacher explains how to play chain card game
c. The third, teacher divides the students into some groups
d. The fourth, teacher divides the cards to each groups and let them to play
the cards for 15 minutes
e. The fifth, teacher asks the representative of each group to bring their
cards that have finished and write all of the sentences that has been
arranged in white board. The six, teacher checkups all of the sentences
that has been written by the students in white board
f. The last, teacher asks the students to do the work assignment. (Andreas
Suwarno, 2003:3)
A. Game to Improve Student’s Communicative Skill in Language Learning
In recent years language researchers and practitioners’ have shifted their
focus from developing individual linguistic skill to the use of language to achieve
the speaker’s objectives. This is new area of focus, known as communicative
competence, leads language teacher to seek task oriented activities that engage
their students in creative language use. Games which are task based and have a
purpose beyond the production of correct speech, serve as excellent
communicative activities (Saricoban and Metin, 2000:92). On the surface, the aim
of language games is for students to use the language however during game play
learners also use the target language to persuade and negotiate their way to desired
result. This process involves the productive and receptive skill simultaneously.
Games offer students a fun-filled and relaxing learning atmosphere. After
learning and practicing new vocabulary, students have opportunity to use
language in a non stressful way (Uberman, 1998: 62). While playing game, the
learner gives attention on the message, not on the language. Rather than pay
attention to the correctness of linguistic form, most participant will do all in order
to they can win. This eases the fear of negative evolution, the concern of being
negatively judged in public, and which is one of language in front of the other
people (Horwitz and Cope, 1986: 62). In a game oriented context, anxiety is
reduced and speech fluency is generated thus communicative competence is
Games are also motivating. Game introduces an element of competition
into language-building activities. This provides valuable impetus to a purposeful
use of language (Parasad, 2003: 235). In other words, these activities create a
meaningful context for language use. The competitive ambience also make
learners concentrate and think intensively during the learning process, which
enhance unconscious acquisition of inputs, most students who have experience
game oriented activities hold positive attitudes toward them (Uberman, 1998:
328). Student says that they like the relaxed atmosphere, the competitiveness and
the motivation that games bring to the classroom (Nuyen and Nga, 2003:55). On
the effectiveness of game, teacher reported that action research reported that their
students seem to learn more quickly and they learn materials better in a stress-free
and comfortable environment. (Nuyen and Nga, 2003:88)
The benefits of using games in language learning can be summed up in
nine points as follows:
1. Promote communicative competence
2. Create a meaningful context for language use
3. Increasing learning motivation
4. Reduce learning anxiety
5. Integrated various linguistic and skill
6. Encourage creative and spontaneous use of language
7. Construct a cooperative learning and environment
8. Foster participatory attitudes of the students
C. The concept of writing
1. What is writing?
According to Byrne (1989) that the writing is clearly much more than
production of graphic symbol, just as speech is more than the production of
sounds. The symbol should be arranged according to certain convention: to form
words and words have to be arranged to from sentences. Writing involves the
encoding of a message of some kind that is translated in to language.
According to Lever (198:1) that writing is one way of making meaning
from experience for one self and for others. Furthermore, he says that writing
serves as the most available and the most compelling way because the outcome,
visible language is satisfyingly permanent record of thoughts and felling.
Caldesonello et. Al (1982: 4-5) define writing as a revising, recursive and
drafting process. They put forward five common components of the writing:
inventing, planning, drafting and editing. According to them, inventing is any
activities that involve the writer in discovering and generating what he want to
say. Planning is the activity of preparing all writing of preparing equipment.
Before the process of writing is done, revising involves adding or cutting
out writing, or rear, ranging what is writing, or substituting another way of saying
something, and editing means polishing a piece of writing by making word, level,
changes in spelling, mechanics, usage, word choice and so on.
From the argument above, it is clear that writing is way of human being to
communicate and express their idea or encoding a message through the graphic
symbol and the and the writer draws a conclusion that writing can be defined as a
process of transferring what someone has in his mind to the written language. The
process involves the formation of graphic symbol; that is combine letters to form
words, and words are arranged to make complete sentence that has a complete
2. The types of writing
The types of writing are based on three factors: purpose of writing, audience
and context.
1. The purpose of writing
Mayer Wangisa (1998) categories the purpose of writing into three
categories: to persuade, to inform and to entertain.
a. To inform
The writer generally explains or describes an idea, a process, an even,
a belief, a person, a place or a thing to give information. The writer
also gives the facts and explains the causes.
b. To persuade
The writer tries to change the audience or behave differently. In this
sense, the writer appeals to the readers’ logic or emotion.
c. The entertain
The writer gives some efforts to make the reader laughed, smiled,
fascinated, surprised or even angry.
2. Audience
In planning to write topic, a writer determines the readers to when the
topic is written to or for. In the sometime, the writer also thinks hard about the
readers’ age, gender, interest, cultural background, region, educational
background and so on. Readers and audience are not physically present when a
writer is writing a topic. In describe the own personal writer.
3. Context
Context means the use of conventions appropriate the topic and discourse
type. Context also includes some consideration that a writer is going to say about
extensive series of detain, various view point and so on.
3. The importance of writing
Hoiston (1986:2) gives some reasons why writing is important:
1. Writing is a tool for discovery we stimulate our through process by he
act writing and taffy into information and image we have our
unconscious mind.
2. Writing generates new ideas by helping us to make connection and
3. Writing helps us to organize our ideas. We can arrange them the
coherent form.
4. Writing down ideas allows us to distance ourselves from them.
5. Writing helps us to absorb and process information, when we write a
topic, we learn is better.
6. Writing enables we solve the problem, by putting the element of into
the written form; we can examine and manipulated them.
7. Writing on subject makes us actives learners rather than passive
learners of information.
From definition above we may conclude with writing we can express our
ideas, specially feeling to other people without ashamed because the reader is not
present in front of the writer to have face to face communication and with writing
the people can put their ideas, feeling and knowledge into written form more
freely. Writing helps us to discover exactly how we think and what we think
4. The characteristic of good writing
Experience in school leave some people whit the impression that good
writing simply means writing that contains no had mistakes that is no errors of
grammar, punctuation, or spelling. In fact, good writing is must more than just
correct writing. Its writing that responds to the interests needs of our readers.
Briefly, here are basic characteristic of good, effective writing:
a. Good writing has a clearly defined purposed
b. It make a clear point
c. It supports that point with specific information
d. The information is clearly connected and arranged
e. The words are appropriate, and the sentences are clear, concise, empathic
and correct.
Good writing is the result of much practice and hard work. This fact
should encourage you: it means that the ability to write well is not a gift that some
people are born with, not a privilege extended to only a view. If you are willing to
work, you can improve your writing. (Richard Nortquist, 2007: 1-2).
5. Writing component
Jacobs at. al (1981: 31) point out five significant components in writing
these are content, organization, vocabulary language use and mechanics.
1. Content
There are four things that could be measured in connection with content.
The composition should contain one purpose only. Should be unity, should have
coherence and continuity and should be adequately developed.
2. Organization
The purpose of organization material in writing involves coherence, order
of importance general to specific, specific to general, chronological order and
spatial order of pattern. When writing the learner should arrange their writing
chronologically. They should present their ideas based on the order of which
happed from beginning to the end.
3. Vocabulary
Vocabulary is one language aspect dealing with the process of writing
study in the process of writing the writer always thanks about putting word into
sentences and putting sentences into paragraph until they can create a piece of
4. Language use
Language is writing description and other form of writing involves
connect language and point of grammar. We should be able to do anything more
than letter separate items of language for separate function. And also grammar can
help the students improve the use of formal language.
5. Mechanics
Mechanics in writing deals with capitalization, spelling are punctuation.
Capital letters have principal uses in English writing. This may be used
distinguish between particular and general classes of person, places and things.
Punctuation has only one function: that of making writing clearer for the
reader. Out tendency is to use punctuation, as little, as possible, but we must never
forget the inclination to out punctuation for the sake of clean looking page must
be which organist the reads requirement of centered audience. Equally important
is adherence to the nouns of capitation and to correct spells, because eccentricity,
deviance, inconsistency, or errors in these distract and confuse readers and
ultimately undermine the function of way writing to communication of a message
as clearly one as efficiently possible. (Ehrlich, 1977: 2)
6. Models of writing
Models of writing, forms of writing, types of writing and domains of
writing have specific purpose. There are four basic models, descriptive, narrative,
expository, and persuasive.
1. Creative writing
The primary purpose of creative writing is to entertain the reader.
2. Descriptive writing
The primary purpose of descriptive writing is to describe a person,
place, or event so that the topic can be clearly seen in the rea