Many issues in science, technology, economics and ecology such as image
processing, computerized tomography, seismic tomography in engineering
geophysics, acoustic sounding in wave approximation, problems of linear
programming lead to solve problems having the following operator equation
type (A. Bakushinsky and A. Goncharsky, 1994; F. Natterer, 2001; F.
Natterer and F. W¨ubbeling, 2001):
A(x) = f; (0.1)
where A is an operator (mapping) from metric space E into metric space Ee
and f 2 Ee. However, there exists a class of problems among these problems
that their solutions are unstable according to the initial data, i.e., a small
change in the data can lead to a very large difference of the solution. It is
said that these problems are ill-posed. Therefore, the requirement is that
there must be methods to solve ill-posed problems such that the smaller
the error of the data is, the closer the approximate solution is to the correct
solution of the derived problem. If Ee is Banach space with the norm k:k
then in some cases of the mapping A, the problem (0.1) can be regularized
by minimizing Tikhonov’s functional:
α(x) = kA(x) − fδk2 + αkx − x+k2; (0.2)
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Bạn đang xem trước 20 trang tài liệu Newton - Kantorovich iterative regularization and the proximal point methods for nonlinear ILL - posed equations involving monotone operators, để xem tài liệu hoàn chỉnh bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
Major: Applied Mathematics
Code: 9 46 01 12
Hanoi - 2018
This thesis is completed at: Graduate University of Science and
Technology - Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
Supervisor 1: Prof. Dr. Nguyen Buong
Supervisor 2: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Do Van Luu
First referee 1: . . . . . .
Second referee 2: . . . . . .
Third referee 3: . . . . . .
The thesis is to be presented to the Defense Committee of the Gradu-
ate University of Science and Technology - Vietnam Academy of Science
and Technology on . . . . . . . . . . . . 2018, at . . . . . . . . . . . . o’clock . . . . . . . . . . . .
The thesis can be found at:
- Library of Graduate University of Science and Technology
- Vietnam National Library
Many issues in science, technology, economics and ecology such as image
processing, computerized tomography, seismic tomography in engineering
geophysics, acoustic sounding in wave approximation, problems of linear
programming lead to solve problems having the following operator equation
type (A. Bakushinsky and A. Goncharsky, 1994; F. Natterer, 2001; F.
Natterer and F. Wu¨bbeling, 2001):
A(x) = f, (0.1)
where A is an operator (mapping) from metric space E into metric space E˜
and f ∈ E˜. However, there exists a class of problems among these problems
that their solutions are unstable according to the initial data, i.e., a small
change in the data can lead to a very large difference of the solution. It is
said that these problems are ill-posed. Therefore, the requirement is that
there must be methods to solve ill-posed problems such that the smaller
the error of the data is, the closer the approximate solution is to the correct
solution of the derived problem. If E˜ is Banach space with the norm ‖.‖
then in some cases of the mapping A, the problem (0.1) can be regularized
by minimizing Tikhonov’s functional:
F δα(x) = ‖A(x)− fδ‖2 + α‖x− x+‖2, (0.2)
with selection suitable regularization parameter α = α(δ) > 0, where fδ is
the approximation of f satisfying ‖fδ − f‖ ≤ δ ↘ 0 and x+ is the element
selected in E to help us find a solution of (0.1) at will. If A is a nonlinear
mapping then the functional F δα(x) is generally not convex. Therefore, it is
impossible to apply results obtained in minimizing a convex functional to
find the minimum component of F δα(x). Thus, to solve the problem (0.1)
with A is a monotone nonlinear mapping, a new type of Tikhonov regular-
ization method was proposed, called the Browder-Tikhonov regularization
2method. In 1975, Ya.I. Alber constructed Browder-Tikhonov regulariza-
tion method to solve the problem (0.1) when A is a monotone nonlinear
mapping as follows:
A(x) + αJs(x− x+) = fδ. (0.3)
We see that, in the case E is not Hilbert space, Js is the nonlinear map-
ping, and therefore, (0.3) is the nonlinear problem, even if A is the linear
mapping. This is a difficult problem class to solve in practice. In addition,
some information of the exact solution, such as smoothness, may not be
retained in the regularized solution because the domain of the mapping Js
is the whole space, so we can’t know the regularized solution exists where
in E. Thus, in 1991, Ng. Buong replaced the mapping Js by a linear and
strongly monotone mapping B to give the following method:
A(x) + αB(x− x+) = fδ. (0.4)
The case E ≡ H is Hilbert space, the method (0.3) has the simplest
form with s = 2. Then, the method (0.3) becomes:
A(x) + α(x− x+) = fδ. (0.5)
In 2006, Ya.I. Alber and I.P. Ryazantseva proposed the convergence of
the method (0.5) in the case A is an accretive mapping in Banach space E
under the condition that the normalized duality mapping J of E is sequen-
tially weakly continuous. Unfortunately, the class of infinite-dimensional
Banach space has the normalized duality mapping that satisfies sequen-
tially weakly continuous is too small (only the space lp). In 2013, Ng.
Buong and Ng.T.H. Phuong proved the convergence of the method (0.5)
without requiring the sequentially weakly continuity of the normalized du-
ality mapping J . However, we see that if A is a nonlinear mapping then
(0.3), (0.4) and (0.5) are nonlinear problems. For that reason, another sta-
ble method to solve the problem (0.1), called the Newton-Kantorovich it-
erative regularization method, has been studied. This method is proposed
by A.B. Bakushinskii in 1976 to solve the variational inequality problem
involving monotone nonlinear mappings. This is the regularization method
built on the well-known method of numerical analysis which is the Newton-
Kantorovich method. In 1987, based on A.B. Bakushinskii’s the method,
3to find the solution of the problem (0.1) in the case A is a monotone
mapping from Banach space E into the dual space E∗, I.P. Ryazantseva
proposed Newton-Kantorovich iterative regularization method:
A(zn) + A
′(zn)(zn+1 − zn) + αnJs(zn+1) = fδn. (0.6)
However, since the method (0.6) uses the duality mapping Js as a regular-
ization component, it has the same limitations as the Browder-Tikhonov
regularization method (0.3). The case A is an accretive mapping on Ba-
nach space E, to find the solution of the problem (0.1), also based on A.B.
Bakushinskii’s the method, in 2005, Ng. Buong and V.Q. Hung studied the
convergence of the Newton-Kantorovich iterative regularization method:
A(zn) + A
′(zn)(zn+1 − zn) + αn(zn+1 − x+) = fδ, (0.7)
under conditions
‖A(x)− A(x∗)− J∗A′(x∗)∗J(x− x∗)‖ ≤ τ‖A(x)− A(x∗)‖, ∀x ∈ E
A′(x∗)v = x+ − x∗, (0.9)
where τ > 0, x∗ is a solution of the problem (0.1), A′(x∗) is the Fréchet
derivative of the mapping A at x∗, J∗ is the normalized duality mapping of
E∗ and v is some element of E. We see that conditions (0.8) and (0.9) use
the Fréchet derivative of the mapping A at the unknown solution x∗, so
they are very strict. In 2007, A.B. Bakushinskii and A. Smirnova proved
the convergence of the method (0.7) to the solution of the problem (0.1)
when A is a monotone mapping from Hilbert space H into H (in Hilbert
space, the accretive concept coincides with the monotone concept) under
the condition
‖A′(x)‖ ≤ 1, ‖A′(x)− A′(y)‖ ≤ L‖x− y‖,∀x, y ∈ H,L > 0. (0.10)
The first content of this thesis presents new results of the Newton-
Kantorovich iterative regularization method for nonlinear equations in-
volving monotone type operators (the monotone operator and the accretive
operator) in Banach spaces that we achieve, which has overcome limita-
tions of results as are mentioned above.
4Next, we consider the problem:
Find an element p∗ ∈ H such that 0 ∈ A(p∗), (0.11)
where H is Hilbert space, A : H → 2H is the set-valued and maximal
monotone mapping. One of the first methods to find the solution of the
problem (0.11) is the proximal point method introduced by B. Martinet in
1970 to find the minimum of a convex functional and generalized by R.T.
Rockafellar in 1976 as follows:
xk+1 = Jkx
k + ek, k ≥ 1, (0.12)
where Jk = (I + rkA)
−1 is called the resolvent of A with the parameter
rk > 0, e
k is the error vector and I is the identity mapping in H. Since
A is the maximal monotone mapping, Jk is the single-valued mapping (F.
Wang and H. Cui, 2015). Thus, the prominent advantage of the proximal
point method is that it varies from the set-valued problem to the single-
valued problem to solve. R.T. Rockafellar proved that the method (0.12)
converges weakly to a zero of the mapping A under hypotheses are the
zero set of the mapping A is nonempty,
k=1 ‖ek‖ 0,
for all k ≥ 1. In 1991, O. Gu¨ler pointed out that the proximal point
method only achieves weak convergence without strong convergence in
infinite-dimensional space. In order to obtain strong convergence, some
modifications of the proximal point method to find a zero of a maximal
monotone mapping in Hilbert space (OA Boikanyo and G. Morosanu, 2010,
2012; S. Kamimura and W. Takahashi, 2000; N. Lehdili and A. Moudafi,
1996; G. Marino and H.K. Xu, 2004; Ch.A. Tian and Y. Song, 2013; F.
Wang and H. Cui, 2015; H.K. Xu, 2006; Y. Yao and M.A. Noor, 2008) as
well as of an accretive mapping in Banach space (L.C. Ceng et al., 2008;
S. Kamimura and W. Takahashi, 2000; X. Qin and Y. Su, 2007; Y. Song,
2009) were investigated. The strong convergence of these modifications
is given under conditions leading to the parameter sequence of the resol-
vent of the mapping A is nonsummable, i.e.
k=1 rk = +∞. Thus, one
question arises: is there a modification of the proximal point method that
its strong convergence is given under the condition is that the parameter
sequence of the resolvent is summable, i.e.
k=1 rk < +∞? In order
to answer this question, the second content of the thesis introduces new
5modifications of the proximal point method to find a zero of a maximal
monotone mapping in Hilbert space in which the strong convergence of
methods is given under the assumption is that the parameter sequence of
the resolvent is summable.
The results of this thesis are:
1) Propose and prove the strong convergence of a new modification of
the Newton-Kantorovich iterative regularization method (0.6) to solve the
problem (0.1) with A is a monotone mapping from Banach space E into
the dual space E∗, which overcomes the drawbacks of method (0.6).
2) Propose and prove the strong convergence of the Newton-Kantorovich
iterative regularization method (0.7) to find the solution of the problem
(0.1) for the case A is an accretive mapping on Banach space E, with
the removal of conditions (0.8), (0.9), (0.10) and does not require the
sequentially weakly continuity of the normalized duality mapping J .
3) Introduce two new modifications of the proximal point method to find a
zero of a maximal monotone mapping in Hilbert space, in which the strong
convergence of these methods are proved under the assumption that the
parameter sequence of the resolvent is summable.
Apart from the introduction, conclusion and reference, the thesis is com-
posed of three chapters. Chapter 1 is complementary, presents a number of
concepts and properties in Banach space, the concept of the ill-posed prob-
lem and the regularization method. This chapter also presents the Newton-
Kantorovich method and some modifications of the proximal point method
to find a zero of a maximal monotone mapping in Hilbert space. Chap-
ter 2 presents the Newton-Kantorovich iterative regularization method for
solving nonlinear ill-posed equations involving monotone type operators
in Banach spaces, includes: introducing methods and theorems about the
convergence of these methods. At the end of the chapter give a numeri-
cal example to illustrate the obtained research result. Chapter 3 presents
modifications of the proximal point method that we achieve to find a zero
of a maximal monotone mapping in Hilbert spaces, including the intro-
duction of methods as well as results of the convergence of these methods.
A numerical example is given at the end of this chapter to illustrate the
obtained research results.
Chapter 1
Some knowledge of preparing
This chapter presents the needed knowledge to serve the presentation
of the main research results of the thesis in the following chapters.
1.1. Banach space and related issues
1.1.1. Some properties in Banach space
This section presents some concepts and properties in Banach space.
1.1.2. The ill-posed problem and the regularization method
• This section mentions the concept of the ill-posed problem and the
regularization method.
• Consider the problem of finding a solution of the equation
A(x) = f, (1.1)
where A is a mapping from Banach space E into Banach space E˜. If (1.1)
is an ill-posed problem then the requirement is that we must be used the
solution method (1.1) such that when δ ↘ 0, the approximative solution
is closer to the exact solution of (1.1). As presented in the Introduction,
in the case where A is the monotone mapping from Banach space E into
the dual space E∗, the problem (1.1) can be solved by Browder-Tikhonov
type regularization method (0.3) (see page 2) or (0.4) (see page 2).
The case A is an accretive mapping on Banach space E, one of widely
used methods for solving the problem (1.1) is the Browder-Tikhonov type
regularization method (0.5) (see page 2). Ng. Buong and Ng.T.H. Phuong
(2013) proved the following result for the strong convergence of the method
Theorem 1.17. Let E be real, reflexive and strictly convex Banach space
with the uniformly Gâteaux differentiable norm and let A be an m-accretive
mapping in E. Then, for each α > 0 and fδ ∈ E, the equation (0.5) has a
unique solution xδα. Moreover, if δ/α→ 0 as α→ 0 then the sequence {xδα}
7converges strongly to x∗ ∈ E that is the unique solution of the following
variational inequality
x∗ ∈ S∗ : 〈x∗ − x+, j(x∗ − y)〉 ≤ 0, ∀y ∈ S∗, (1.2)
where S∗ is the solution set of (1.1) and S∗ is nonempty.
We see, Theorem 1.17 gives the strong convergence of the regularization
solution sequence {xδα} generated by the Browder-Tikhonov regularization
method (0.5) to the solution x∗ of the problem (1.1) that does not require
the sequentially weakly continuity of the normalized duality mapping J .
This result is a significant improvement compare with the result of Ya.I.
Alber and I.P. Ryazantseva (2006) (see the Introduction).
Since A is the nonlinear mapping, (0.3), (0.4) and (0.5) are nonlinear
problems, in Chapter 2, we will present an another regularization method,
called the Newton-Kantorovich iteration regularization method. This is
the regularization method built on the well-known method of the numerical
analysis, that is the Newton-Kantorovich method, which is presented in
Section 1.2.
1.2. The Kantorovich-Newton method
This section presents the Kantorovich-Newton method and the conver-
gence theorem of this method.
1.3. The proximal point method and some modifications
In this section, we consider the problem:
Find an element p∗ ∈ H such that 0 ∈ A(p∗), (1.3)
whereH is Hilbert space andA : H → 2H is a maximal monotone mapping.
Denote Jk = (I + rkA)
−1 is the resolvent of A with the parameter rk > 0,
where I is the identity mapping in H.
1.3.1. The proximal point method
This section presents the proximal point method investigated by R.T.
Rockafellar (1976) to find the solution of the problem (1.3) and the as-
sertion proposed by O. Gu¨ler (1991) that this method only achieves weak
convergence without strong convergence in the infinite-dimensional space.
81.3.2. Some modifications of the proximal point method
This section presents some modifications of the proximal point method
with the strong convergence of them to find the solution of the problem
(1.3) including the results of N. Lehdili and A. Moudafi (1996), H.K. Xu
(2006), O.A. Boikanyo and G. Morosanu (2010; 2012), Ch.A. Tian and Y.
Song (2013), S. Kamimura and W. Takahashi (2000), G. Marino and H.K.
Xu (2004), Y. Yao and M.A. Noor (2008), F. Wang and H. Cui (2015).
Comment 1.6. The strong convergence of modifications of the proximal
point method mentioned above uses one of the conditions
(C0) exists constant ε > 0 such that rk ≥ ε for every k ≥ 1.
(C0’) lim infk→∞ rk > 0.
(C0”) rk ∈ (0;∞) for every k ≥ 1 and limk→∞ rk =∞.
These conditions lead to the parameter {rk} of the resolvent is nonsummable,
rk = +∞. In Chapter 3, we introduce two new modifications of
the proximal point method that the strong convergence of these methods
is given under the condition of the parameter sequence of the resolvent
that is completely different from results we know. Specifically, we use the
condition that the parameter sequence of the resolvent is summable, i.e.
rk < +∞.
Chapter 2
Newton-Kantorovich iterative
regularization method for nonlinear
equations involving monotone type
This chapter presents the Newton-Kantorovich iteration regularization
method for finding a solution of nonlinear equations involving monotone
type mappings. Results of this chapter are presented based on works [2′],
[3′] and [4′] in list of works has been published.
2.1. Newton-Kantorovich iterative regularization for nonlinear
equations involving monotone operators in Banach spaces
Consider the nonlinear operator equation
A(x) = f, f ∈ E∗, (2.1)
where A is a monotone mapping from Banach space E into its dual space
E∗, with D(A) = E. Assume that the solution set of (2.1), denote by S,
is nonempty and instead of f , we only know its approximation fδ satisfies
‖fδ − f‖ ≤ δ ↘ 0. (2.2)
If A does not have strongly monotone or uniformly monotone properties
then the equation (2.1) is generally an ill-posed problem. Since when A is
the nonlinear mapping, (0.3) (see page 2) and (0.4) (see page 2) are nonlin-
ear problems, to solve (2.1), in this section, we consider an another regu-
larization method, called the Newton-Kantorovich iterative regularization
method. This regularization method was proposed by A.B. Bakushinskii
(1976) based on the Newton-Kantorovich method to find the solution of
the following variational inequality problem in Hilbert space H: Find an
element x∗ ∈ Q ⊆ H such that
〈A(x∗), x∗ − w〉 ≤ 0, ∀w ∈ Q, (2.3)
where A : H → H is a monotone mapping, Q is a closed and convex
set in H. A.B. Bakushinskii introduced the iterative method to solve the
problem (2.3) as follows:z0 ∈ H,〈A(zn) + A′(zn)(zn+1 − zn) + αnzn+1, zn+1 − w〉 ≤ 0, ∀w ∈ Q. (2.4)
Based on the method (2.4), to find the solution of the equation (2.1)
whenA is a monotone mapping from Hilbert spaceH intoH, A.B. Bakushin-
skii and A. Smirnova (2007) proved the strong convergence of the Newton-
Kantortovich type iterative regularization method:
z0 = x
+ ∈ H,A(zn) + A′(zn)(zn+1 − zn) + αn(zn+1 − x+) = fδ, (2.5)
with using the generalized discrepancy principle
‖A(zN)− fδ‖2 ≤ τδ < ‖A(zn)− fδ‖2, 0 ≤ n < N = N(δ), (2.6)
and the condition
‖A′(x)‖ ≤ 1, ‖A′(x)− A′(y)‖ ≤ L‖x− y‖,∀x, y ∈ H. (2.7)
Comment 2.1. The advantage of the method (2.5) is its linearity. This
method is an important tool for solving the problem (2.1) in the case A is
a monotone mapping in Hilbert space. However, we see that the condition
(2.7) is fairly strict and should overcome such that the method (2.5) can
be applied to the wider mapping class.
When E is Banach space, to solve the equation (2.1) in the case instead
of f , we only know its approximation fδn ∈ E∗ satisfying (2.2), in which δ
is replaced by δn, I.P. Ryazantseva (1987, 2006) also developed the method
(2.4) to propose the iteration:
z0 ∈ E,A(zn) + A′(zn)(zn+1 − zn) + αnJs(zn+1) = fδn. (2.8)
The convergence of the method (2.8) was provided by I.P. Ryazantseva
under the assumption that E is Banach space having the ES property, the
dual space E∗ is strictly convex and the mapping A satisfies the condition
‖A′′(x)‖ ≤ ϕ(‖x‖),∀x ∈ E, (2.9)
where ϕ(t) is a nonnegative and nondecreasing function.
Comment 2.2. We see that lp and Lp(Ω) (1 < p < +∞) are Banach
spaces having the ES property and the dual space is strictly convex. How-
ever, since the method (2.8) uses the duality mapping Js as a regulariza-
tion component, it has the same disadvantages as the Browder-Tikhonov
regularization method (0.3) mentioned above.
To overcome these drawbacks, in [3′], we propose the new Newton-
Kantorovich iterative regularization method as follows:
z0 ∈ E,A(zn) + A′(zn)(zn+1 − zn) + αnB(zn+1 − x+) = fδn, (2.10)
where B is a linear and strongly monotone mapping.
Firstly, to find the sol