Tóm tắt Luận án Development of the aesthetic awareness of students who trained as officers of Vietnam People's Army today

The thesis "Development of the aesthetic awareness of students who trained as officers of Vietnam People's Army today" to access the research perspective, philosophy, majoring in dialectical materialism and historical materialism; based on theoretical basis of Marxism - Leninism and Ho Chi Minh, the views of the Communist Party of Vietnam on the aesthetic culture and education, comprehensive human development. Fellows reference research results of the scientific work at home and abroad related to the theme, and based on the results of a baseline study developed aesthetic sense of students in officer training academy, the military officer from 2010 until now to solve the research problems. Thesis work has been implemented since the establishment of the theoretical issues in Chapter 1, the actually situation in chapter 2, as well as identifying needs and propose solutions in Chapter 3, aiming to develop the aesthetic awareness of students who trained as officers of Vietnam People's Army today.

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INTRODUCTION 1. General overview of the thesis The thesis "Development of the aesthetic awareness of students who trained as officers of Vietnam People's Army today" to access the research perspective, philosophy, majoring in dialectical materialism and historical materialism; based on theoretical basis of Marxism - Leninism and Ho Chi Minh, the views of the Communist Party of Vietnam on the aesthetic culture and education, comprehensive human development. Fellows reference research results of the scientific work at home and abroad related to the theme, and based on the results of a baseline study developed aesthetic sense of students in officer training academy, the military officer from 2010 until now to solve the research problems. Thesis work has been implemented since the establishment of the theoretical issues in Chapter 1, the actually situation in chapter 2, as well as identifying needs and propose solutions in Chapter 3, aiming to develop the aesthetic awareness of students who trained as officers of Vietnam People's Army today. 2. Reasons for choosing thesis topic The aesthetic awareness of the subject plays the most important role to orient for the entire activities of awareness, perception, assessment and aesthetic creativity of actors, and is an indispensable prerequisite for improving their qualifications, aesthetic capabilities in all areas of operation. The aesthetic awareness of students who trained as officers of Vietnam People's Army is an important foundation for each student to penetrate deep into the world of beauty, deep perception of beauty, aesthetic sense, creating beauty and inserted in learning, training, work to strive successfully completed all tasks. Development of the aesthetic awareness of students who trained as officers of Vietnam People's Army today is the practical problems to contribute to improve the quality of education - training and preparation facility, the premise of a team of military officers future team. Developed aesthetic sense is one of the basic content of comprehensive development goals personality student and put premise cultural development towards aesthetic, comprehensive development personality military officers. Aesthetic Sense of students are shaped through the process of learning and training at the school will continue to grow after the students graduated, become leaders, commanders of military units. It is the foundation for future officers who live, act according to the criteria of beauty. Practices developed aesthetic sense of students trained military officer past few years shows that there has been a change, certain progress, passion, excitement, positive, and aspirations to beauty seekers of knowledge resources, intellectual resources and creative inspiration. However, experience, competence development process aesthetic sense of students trained Army officer before construction requirements military cadres in the new situation is still inadequate, incommensurate need to make is placed on a solid scientific foundation. Developed aesthetic sense of students trained Army officer is a urgent requirement before the situation changes in the hierarchy, norms, aesthetic and cultural values in society today. In the army there was a complex mix of scales, norms, values and inevitably there are elements, trends negative impact, as "standard deviation value" of culture and aesthetics in the spirit of military life, including student staff officer training at the academy, the military officer, demanding need for intensive research to interpretation, and how to find the essence to resolve a scientific way. Urgency of the thesis also arises from the absence of a wide array of scientific studies peculiar aesthetic military. In recent years, there have been a number of research projects related to aesthetic education of military and military aesthetic, but still pretty empty buildings to develop a sense of aesthetics in general, conscious competence beauty of the army in particular, especially in view of the interpretation philosophical reasoning - a very basic requirement and necessary to solve the problem thoroughly. With a large selection of issues: "Development of the aesthetic sense of students trained officer Vietnam People's Army now" to study the philosophical perspective, the thesis wishes to contribute to solving real Condition on. 3. Research purpose and tasks * Research purpose: Contributing to interpretation problems and practical reasoning, which recommended fundamental solution to meet development goals overall personality development of students towards the contingent future military officers. * The tasks of the thesis: - Clarifying the nature and some problems with regularity developed aesthetic sense of students trained officer Vietnam People's Army. - Analysis and assessment of the status and development trend forecasting aesthetic sense of students trained officer Vietnam People's Army today. - Identify needs and propose solutions developed aesthetic sense of students trained officer Vietnam People's Army today. 4. Objects and scope of research * Objects of research: Studying nature, the problem with regularity in developing aesthetic sense of students trained officer Vietnam People's Army. * Scope of research: The theoretical issues, practical development of the aesthetic sense of students training to become a junior officer detachments have university degrees in the academies, universities and the People's Army officer Vietnam (thesis called academies and officer schools). The subjects students and other schools not covered by the thesis research. The scope of the survey, the survey include: Students, teachers and school managers, staff departments in some educational institutions: University of Politics (Political Academy); Tran Quoc Tuan University (School of Army Officers 1); Nguyen Hue University (School of Army Officers 2); School Information Officers (officers school blocks); Border Institute; Institute of Non - Air Force; Naval Academy; Military Technical Institute; Institute of Logistics; Military Medical Academy (Academy blocks). Survey data evaluation practices in the period from 2010 to 2015. 5. Theoretical, practical basis and research methods: * Theoretical basis of the thesis: Theoretical system of Marxism - Leninism and Ho Chi Minh, the views of the Communist Party of Vietnam in culture, aesthetics and education, comprehensive human development in general, for military field and education, personality development in particular military personnel. * Practical basis of the thesis As the situation developed aesthetic sense of students trained officer Vietnam People's Army today, through the base, the actual data in the academy, the officers, social survey data study author; along with the directives, resolutions, programs and projects of the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff, General Political Department of the building staff in the army; the final report on the education of the duo, directly on the work of teaching aesthetic subjects Marxism - Leninism and the other disciplines involved in directly t in training programs of the Academy, the artist current opinion. * Research Methodology: General methodology of the thesis is the methodology of dialectical materialism and historical materialism have access to the aesthetic object and aesthetic subjects, focusing on aesthetics methodology Marxism - Leninism to study developed aesthetic sense of students trained officer Vietnam people's Army. Specific research methods, using several methods such as logical and historical; systems and structures; analysis and synthesis; and comparable statistics; Sociological surveys; interview; observer-oriented; expert method. Using several approaches: value - operate - personality; structured process, with particular emphasis structured approach to analyze the process of developing aesthetic sense. 6. New contributions of the thesis - Contributing to clarify the nature, the structure of aesthetic sense and aesthetic sense in the military sphere from the approach of philosophy. - Bringing science to develop the aesthetic sense of student officer training, interpretation issues regularity developed aesthetic sense in military education environment at military school. - Recognize the development of aesthetic sense of students trained officer Vietnam People's Army, in practice, through the aesthetic life and the impact of fitness the.giao owners. - Proposal requirements and solutions to develop the aesthetic sense of officer training students today.. 7. Theoretical, practical significances of the thesis The research results of the thesis contribute additional development of theoretical philosophy and aesthetic sense of aesthetics in the military field. Contribute to building the scientific foundation to build and develop the aesthetic life of the team. The thesis can be used as a reference in research and teaching at the academy, the military officers present. 8. Structure of the thesis   Include introduction, overview of research issues, three chapters (6 periods), conclusions, list of scientific works of the author related to the thesis, list of references and appendices . OVERVIEW OF RESEARCH ISSUES 1. The scientific works that research on general theory of aesthetics Referring general theoretical issues and practices related to the field of cosmetic science works overseas and domestic research. The study abroad such as: Iu.A. Lukin, V.C. Xcacherosiccop (1982) with "Principle of Marxist-Leninist aesthetics"; N. Dmitrieva (1962), "On Beauty"; V.Vanslop, P.Torophimop (1961) study, "The beauty and the sublime"; Tsecnisepxki (1960) study, "Relationship of aesthetics to reality." In the above works, mainly presenting the concepts, categories, principles, fundamental laws of aesthetics Marxist - Leninist. Although not directly addressed in a systematic way on the issue of aesthetic sense, but there were some issues related aesthetic reasoning given to the thesis. This is one of those establishments, important theoretical premise to acquire, inherit and develop the theoretical framework of implementing the thesis. The research works in the country, notably the works of Do Huy (1984) study, "Beauty - a value". Said: "There is no aesthetic subjects, will not assess, enjoy and innovative aesthetic values. No aesthetic subjectivity nothing called the marbles, comedy, beauty and value. "Discussing "The relationship between the aesthetic and the moral in life and in art" (1996), Nguyen Van Phuc author analyzes the characteristics of aesthetics, while clarifying the difference of subject cognitive aesthetics. The works on is one of the important theoretical basis that the thesis will inherit, receptive. 2. The scientific works that research on the aesthetics in the practical life In "practical aesthetics - the source of aesthetic culture" (2003), author Nguyen Ngoc Thu said: "Aesthetic Practice is the unity between the aesthetic phenomenon objectively with the subject's activity aesthetic with all the contacts, relations in the context of aesthetic and social conditions ... the aesthetic certain social objective ... it is not confined to individual consciousness which exist in due to personal aesthetic sense ". This is a materialist approach to history of the origin of cultural aesthetic, practical aesthetics, is an important base for research students refer to access and study the nature aspect of consciousness Beauty. Discussion on "The transformation of aesthetic benchmarks in innovation period in Vietnam" (2003), author Vu Thi Kim Dung mentioned cultural aesthetics, aesthetic entity structure covered by Aesthetic sense, involving a combination of factors: emotions, feelings, attitudes, aesthetic ideal ... . In the article "Get to the environmental values of aesthetics" (2001), author of Thai Hanh has approached environmental values of aesthetics with the term "environmental space" and "environmental landscape". However, to the aesthetic environment of aesthetic to create a healthy school, which is also to build relationships, behavior, communication and cultural institutions according to criteria of beauty. Explaining this to be inherited and added in the thesis. 3. The scientific works researching the culture and education of aesthetic 3.1. The scientific works researching the aesthetic culture The study "Aesthetic Culture and the Vietnam Human Development in the New Century" (2001) by a collective of scientists: Prof. Do Huy, Dr. Nguyen Van Huyen, PhD. Nguyen Ngoc Thu, PhD. Dao Duy Thanh, PhD. Nguyen Quoc Tuan by Dr. Nguyen Van Huyen editors gave aesthetic conception of Culture. The authors also consider personal aesthetic sense is one aspect, the cultural elements of aesthetic - personal aesthetic culture, and is expressed at different levels: Level of activity - practical ; Level psychology - emotions; Level reason .... The interpretation and approach that opened the doors to graduate students with a dialectical perspective structural aesthetic consciousness of the subject. Of course, the PhD student will also develop further in terms of a clear distinction between the aesthetic sense (which reflect practical aesthetic) with personal aesthetic culture (the style, form, pattern implementations goods and values ​​of his aesthetic sense). The study "Aesthetic Culture and personality" (1995), author Liang Qiong Khue not directly clarify structural aesthetic sense of the subject, but through structural analysis of the elements of aesthetic capacity and the development of aesthetic competence in each man depends on innate talent, and requires a process of education, training meticulous, rigorous practice. That's consistent with the development of aesthetic sense will be Fellows mentioned in the thesis. The study "The role of aesthetic culture for the development of student personality Vietnam today" (2013) by Le Thi Thuy Dung author; "Development of cultural values among young officers from the People's Army of Vietnam today" (2005), author Nguyen Xuan Truong. Here are ideas for realistic environmental building cultural aesthetics that thesis will be mentioned. 3.2. The typical scientific works researching the aesthetic education In scientific research projects overseas AX Milovidop and B.V. Xaphronop (eds) (1975) on "American Marxist - Leninist education on the team," mentioned comprehensive aesthetic education as the direct path, the basic and most important to develop standard aesthetic form. In particular, the works were linked directly to the field of aesthetic education in military operations protect the socialist fatherland, in building capacity and life of Soviet soldiers. This is an important prerequisite for graduate students to acquire, inherit and develop the solutions proposed by the thesis. Theoretical issues and practical aesthetic education are many scientific works in domestic research, such as: "Aesthetic Education - a number of theoretical issues and practical" Do Huy's "Education Management aesthetic ideal for the youth through a system of cultural institutions "of Tran Quoc Table (1996); "Bringing beauty to life" of As Set (1986) ,; "On aesthetic education in our country today" of Vinh Quang Le (1999) ,; "aesthetic education in shaping the cultural lifestyle for young people in the Mekong River delta now "of Luong Thanh Tan (2010) ,;" The role of art in aesthetic education "by Tran Tuy (1998);" The role of mass media in teaching fitness in our country today "by Tran Ngoc Tang (2001) ,;" Aesthetic Education - large debt for the young generation "by Do Xuan Ha (1997)," Some basic understanding of literature of art and aesthetic education "of the General Political Department (1996). The scientific work in countries mentioned many important issues about aesthetic education. Of these, involving many different aspects the nature, role, content, form and means of aesthetic education for different audiences, the interpretation in some pretty deep content is an important basis for research students inherit, tonic supplemented, clarified the direction of dissertation research. 4. The typical scientific works researching the aesthetic awareness In the article "The source of aesthetic sense and the awakening of the creative capacity of human art" (2002), Do Thi Minh Thao approached the aesthetic sense of artistic creation capability, simultaneous demonstrate this capability is formed from the labor practices of humans. This approach shows that thanks to the aesthetic practices of human long term, the senses were highly socialized became aesthetic senses. Based on this sense that "the aesthetic image" - the aesthetics of objective reality are moving into the aesthetic of the subject, the operation of the aesthetic thinking reinvent reality "in accordance law of beauty ". Expresses in this respect will be Fellows supplement, developed in the thesis. In the article "Learn characteristics of aesthetic sense" (1992), author Vu Minh Tam concept: "The sense of beauty is one of the states of consciousness of the human society reflect objective reality in image format - emotionally, in order to meet demand, "manufactured under the laws of beauty". Accordingly, the authors analyzed two typical aesthetic sense: iconic aesthetic and emotional aesthetics. However, due to the complexity of this category should feature explanations about the aesthetic sense above is not enough to recognize the signs characteristic of the nature of the aesthetic sense. Hence, the need to dig into the relationship nature inside to analyze mechanisms of action and the level and the main elements constituting it, then only get a full overview and insight Aesthetic sense. Reaching this direction will be presented in the doctoral student's thesis. Mentioned many closely related content, closer to the subject of the thesis is the Master thesis of Nguyen Chi Linh: "Development of aesthetic sense in political cadets division level in our army now "(2000), the author says:" evaluate aesthetic aspects of nature aesthetic consciousness ". However, the nature of the aesthetic sense is the perception of reality, reflecting the unity, integrity, and personal harmony, the perfection of the world as an aesthetic emotion of anthropogenic Should the spiritual pleasure. On the other hand, the character is a specific form of social consciousness, the origins arise, development and content, reflect forms of aesthetic sense and peculiar. And those aspects that are not mentioned in the author's thesis. The notion "of its peculiar features of aesthetic consciousness is a reflection of objective reality in art icon, and consciousness is a manifestation of art and the most important focus of aesthetic sense" can accept receive. However, the aesthetic sense implies not just art, and the art itself is only a particular form of aesthetics. Only reality is based aesthetic life of man, the aesthetic sense newly formed and art is the human method of restructuring the aesthetic value to convey these views, ideal , certain aesthetic tastes. Tables structural aesthetic sense, authors suggest that there are two elements: the aesthetic and intellectual aesthetic psychological interactions and influenced by ideology, social dominance. However, access to the aesthetic sense structure should be based on the structure of consciousness and social consciousness and follow the levels, stages, degree of subjectivity - which the author not to interpretation. This is the basic space will be approached, mentioned, complementary in the thesis. 5. General evaluation of the result of published scientific works and the research issues of the thesis 5.1. General evaluation of the result of published scientific works Firstly, the issue of aesthetic sense as well as elements of aesthetic sense, was mentioned in an indirect way, in the aspects, approach angles, di
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