• Techniques for improving listening skills of gifted students of Foreign Language Specializing School, College of Foreign Languages, Hanoi National UniversityTechniques for improving listening skills of gifted students of Foreign Language Specializing School, College of Foreign Languages, Hanoi National University

    1. RATIONALE OF THE STUDY It can not be denied that English is the international medium in the fields of science, technology, culture ,education , economy and so on . It is also considered a means to promote mutual understanding and cooperation between Vietnam and other countries . It is widely seen as the key language toll in the integrating pro...

    doc47 trang | Chia sẻ: superlens | Ngày: 04/06/2015 | Lượt xem: 2792 | Lượt tải: 2

  • How to enhance speaking skills to the students in Grade 10th at Thai Phien High school in Hai PhongHow to enhance speaking skills to the students in Grade 10th at Thai Phien High school in Hai Phong

    As a consequence of the “open door” policy, which have been in effect since 1987, in Vietnam, the study of English has been booming. English is seen as a means of access to scientific and technological development, as the language for international communication, and as an instrument for receiving grants and aid. For young people, English is an eff...

    doc43 trang | Chia sẻ: superlens | Ngày: 04/06/2015 | Lượt xem: 2345 | Lượt tải: 3

  • A Vietnamese-English cross-cultural study on gestures for greetingA Vietnamese-English cross-cultural study on gestures for greeting

    Language is an important part of our functional activity and we indicate, often in diagrammatic form, the varying communication patterns used in meetings and during negotiations. Language studies have traditionally emphasized verbal and written language, but recently have begun to consider communication that takes place without words. In some types...

    doc90 trang | Chia sẻ: superlens | Ngày: 04/06/2015 | Lượt xem: 5991 | Lượt tải: 5

  • Nghiên cứu quá trình tri nhận danh lượng từ Tiếng Hán hiện đạiNghiên cứu quá trình tri nhận danh lượng từ Tiếng Hán hiện đại

    语言作为人类最重要的一种认知活动,它在很大程度上取决于人 类的认知能力。因此,从认知角度对语言现象进行解释不仅是可能的事 而且是必要的。 最近二十年来国外逐渐形成一股认知语言学热。但是,我们看到 有一些关于认知的研究脱离了语言结构的组合关系和聚合关系,作了许 多形而上学的思辩。关于语言的认知研究问题,我们提倡从认知角度重 新关照语言现象,以便发现新颖独到的、便于操作的、能落实到解释具 体的语言事实的分析方法和研究路子。 通过学习经验本人得知:开始学汉语的时候我们早就遇到“量词”这 个概念了,汉语量词丰富多彩,没有把握就很容易弄笑话,甚至不注意 时, 用错了就被别人嘲笑或被人们以为是说话人没有文化修养。 按照汉语运用的习惯,各种量词都搭配有相应的名词或动词,其 中的规律...

    pdf109 trang | Chia sẻ: superlens | Ngày: 04/06/2015 | Lượt xem: 2260 | Lượt tải: 3

  • Nghĩa thực chỉ và hư chỉ của Nghĩa thực chỉ và hư chỉ của "Tam" trong tiếng Hán

    数字是人类思维发展一定阶段,为适应社会生活活动的需要, 在符号的帮助下产生的。它的出现大大推动了人类抽象思维能力和社会生产活动的发展。数字,是人类 语言最基本的、也是产生最早的内容。人类在进化的蒙昧时期 ,就已具有这种才能。由于人有了这种才能,当在一个小的集合里边, 增加或者减去一样东西的时候,尽管它未曾直接知道增减,但也能够辨认到其中所有的变化。这大概是远古人们对数产生意识的最早萌芽。随着社会的不断进步, 数字在原始计数活动中慢慢产生。从历时的角度看,可以说自从数字诞生,它在社会发展中就有着举足轻重的地位, 从原始部落到信息时代,从远古结绳记事到现代计算机的科学化编排, 人们都离不开数字及数字运算。 随着社会的发展和人们认知能力的提高,数字也不断地被认识,创造和运用。人们对数字的理解也...

    doc105 trang | Chia sẻ: superlens | Ngày: 04/06/2015 | Lượt xem: 2336 | Lượt tải: 5

  • To teach reading skills in integration with the other language skillsTo teach reading skills in integration with the other language skills

    i Rationale Nowadays, as an effective means of international communication, English is widely used in all fields of activity throughout the world. Therefore, there has been a growing demand for the learning of this language of those who want to master English to serve their different purposes. This leads to the introduction of English for Specific...

    doc72 trang | Chia sẻ: superlens | Ngày: 04/06/2015 | Lượt xem: 2097 | Lượt tải: 4

  • Sử dụng các tình huống giao tiếp để hình thành khả năng nói cho sinh viên nga ngữSử dụng các tình huống giao tiếp để hình thành khả năng nói cho sinh viên nga ngữ

    Объективное развитие методической науки неизбежно приходит к поиску новых, более эффективных методов обучения. В действительности методика обучения иностранным языкам, в том числе и русскому языку, проходила долгое время на пути поиска больше оптимальных методов для повышения эффективности обучения и овладения. На этом же пути последующие методы не...

    doc84 trang | Chia sẻ: superlens | Ngày: 04/06/2015 | Lượt xem: 1932 | Lượt tải: 0

  • Enseignement du vocabulaire en classe de francais, avec le livre campus iEnseignement du vocabulaire en classe de francais, avec le livre campus i

    Le français n'est ni une langue facile, ni une langue difficile. C'est une langue vivante, une langue d’aujourd’hui, présente dans les médias, parlée par des êtres humains qui communiquent, s'aiment, se disputent, écrivent, commercent, négocient, voyagent La langue est un instrument de communication. L’enseignement du vocabulaire est alors d’appr...

    doc96 trang | Chia sẻ: superlens | Ngày: 04/06/2015 | Lượt xem: 2312 | Lượt tải: 1

  • An American – Vietnamese cross-Cultural study on non-verbal expressions of disappointmentAn American – Vietnamese cross-Cultural study on non-verbal expressions of disappointment

    To our understanding, language is a great heaven prize and treasure for human in order to fulfill our vital needs as the social beings: communication. Language appeared, remains and flourishes along with human history. With the seen development of language and language studies at the moment, there is no need in proving the crucial and irreplaceable...

    doc36 trang | Chia sẻ: superlens | Ngày: 04/06/2015 | Lượt xem: 3087 | Lượt tải: 4

  • Some australian-Vietnamese cross-cultural differences in student-to- teacher addressingSome australian-Vietnamese cross-cultural differences in student-to- teacher addressing

    People of different cultures often find it difficult to communicate with each other. There are many reasons why it happens. One of them is cultural differences among countries. It causes cultural shock, even cultural conflicts relating to specific speech acts such as addressing, thanking, greeting, complaining and so on. That is why cross-cultural ...

    doc79 trang | Chia sẻ: superlens | Ngày: 04/06/2015 | Lượt xem: 2228 | Lượt tải: 4