• A critical discourse analysis of the inaugural speeches by george w. bush in the united states of america presidential elections 2000 & 2004A critical discourse analysis of the inaugural speeches by george w. bush in the united states of america presidential elections 2000 & 2004

    Modern society has observed the rise of visual images used in different types of media which drives language at the risk of losing its primary role in social communication. In fact, there have been fears by writers of post-modernism that language may have been totally outweighed by visual images. However, the truth is far from being so. Many schola...

    doc75 trang | Chia sẻ: superlens | Ngày: 04/06/2015 | Lượt xem: 2172 | Lượt tải: 5

  • Cách dùng chữ đặt tên của người Trung Quốc và hàm ý văn hoá của nóCách dùng chữ đặt tên của người Trung Quốc và hàm ý văn hoá của nó

    一、选 题 理 由 笔者经过了几年给中国留学生上课,但每次跟他们接触,问其姓名时还是感到有什么陌生的。有时候觉得此问题太深奥了。在给越南学生教中文的过程中,很多时候碰到中国人名要翻开词典查询,又有时候,越南学生问他的中文名字怎么说、怎么写,自己当时答不上来,甚至,查了词典以后也不知怎么跟学生解释。久而久之,笔者明白了一个问题:中国人的姓名不是简单的问题。然而,过去很长时间,在教与学过程中,我们几乎都忽略了姓名这一问题,没有人去深挖钻研。因此笔者才有心去了解此问题。在研究的过程中,也发现了越南学生在翻译姓名时所遇到的一些困难。这更促使笔者去深入探索中国人起名用字问题。 中国人的姓名中,姓是具有血统关系而比较固定的一部分,只有名字才是丰富多彩的。姓的数量有限,名字则每人一个。正因为如此,笔者...

    doc76 trang | Chia sẻ: superlens | Ngày: 04/06/2015 | Lượt xem: 2534 | Lượt tải: 1

  • Ces manuels visent-Ils à développer les quatre compétences communicatives : la compréhension orale, l’expression orale, la compréhension écrite, expression écrite chez les élèvesCes manuels visent-Ils à développer les quatre compétences communicatives : la compréhension orale, l’expression orale, la compréhension écrite, expression écrite chez les élèves

    Nous vivons dans une époque d’explosion des supports d’enseignement comme audiovisuels, Internet mais le manuel scolaire reste toujours le support d’enseignement-apprentissage le plus répandu et sans doute le plus efficace. C’est en effet un outil nécessaire non seulement pour l’enseignant, l’élève mais encore pour les parents. Face aux multiples ...

    doc82 trang | Chia sẻ: superlens | Ngày: 04/06/2015 | Lượt xem: 1954 | Lượt tải: 0

  • A study on the effectiveness of some clt classroom activities in teaching vocabulary to first year non-English major students at the AJCA study on the effectiveness of some clt classroom activities in teaching vocabulary to first year non-English major students at the AJC

    “It is said that people living in the global integration age should know English at least for communication. Do you agree with this?” Once a friend of mine asked me this question, and without thinking, I answered at once “Yes, undoubtedly so.” This thought has not changed since that day and English nowadays dominates over the other foreign language...

    doc61 trang | Chia sẻ: superlens | Ngày: 04/06/2015 | Lượt xem: 2507 | Lượt tải: 5

  • An evaluation of the reading course 1 for first year fast track students at hanoi university of languages and international studies (hulis)An evaluation of the reading course 1 for first year fast track students at hanoi university of languages and international studies (hulis)

    Most simply, Williams regarded reading as “a process whereby one looks at and understands what has been written” (Williams, 1984, p. 2 ). Readers’ understanding is the core. Hence, reading aloud with little understanding, according to Williams, is not reading, but a way to practice pronunciation. On the other hand, readers do not need to understand...

    doc17 trang | Chia sẻ: superlens | Ngày: 04/06/2015 | Lượt xem: 2107 | Lượt tải: 1

  • A Comparative Study of Discourse Structures and Linguistic Features between Information Communication Technology news in English and VietnameseA Comparative Study of Discourse Structures and Linguistic Features between Information Communication Technology news in English and Vietnamese

    Language is equal in their structural complexity and in their potential to express the ideas of their users. In this modern life, the need of international communication has been increasing rapidly. A hallmark of human language use is that it shows structure at many different levels, such that at each level, a difference in linguistic form can expr...

    doc50 trang | Chia sẻ: superlens | Ngày: 04/06/2015 | Lượt xem: 2360 | Lượt tải: 4

  • How to create an interesting English learning environment to motive students to participate in speaking activitiesHow to create an interesting English learning environment to motive students to participate in speaking activities

    In the article “Nurturing emotional intelligence through literature” of Irma K. Ghosn (2001), the author demonstrates that literature can provide a motivating and low anxiety context for language learning because literary text brings students the “genuine feel” when touching on themes to which they may respond personally from their own experience. ...

    doc57 trang | Chia sẻ: superlens | Ngày: 04/06/2015 | Lượt xem: 2320 | Lượt tải: 5

  • Designing an english achievement test for the first – year english non major students in son la teachers’ training collegeDesigning an english achievement test for the first – year english non major students in son la teachers’ training college

    The importance of language testing is recognized by virtually all professionals in the field of language education. It is of special importance in educational system that is highly competitive as testing is not only an indirect stimulus to learning, but also plays a crucial role in determining the success or failure of an individual's career with d...

    doc35 trang | Chia sẻ: superlens | Ngày: 04/06/2015 | Lượt xem: 2269 | Lượt tải: 1

  • Yếu tố tương tự phụ tố trong tiếng Hán hiện đạiYếu tố tương tự phụ tố trong tiếng Hán hiện đại

    1。选题理由 词法就是关于词的构成及其用法的规则,包括词的形态变化、功能类别等内容。没有对词的语法特点的深入了解,要想充分阐述句子的构造原则是不可能的。 汉语的词汇系统向来都处在不断变化、发展的状态之中。近年来出现了不少词缀化现象,并由此派生出大批新词语。这意味着“类词缀”的大量涌现对汉语新词语的产生起着极其重要的作用。可以说类词缀在汉语的发展历程中功不可没的。 长期以来,在中国,现代汉语词缀、类词缀研究一直处在众说纷纭、莫衷一是的局面。人们对词缀、类词缀的性质特点的认识及判定词缀、类词缀的标准乃至所确立的词缀范围也往往存在很大分歧。面对这种状况,我们有必要重新审视词缀概念,同时对现在新出现的类词缀进行全面的、科学的研究。 对越南学习者而言,汉语及越南语的附加构词法一直作为一种不太...

    doc121 trang | Chia sẻ: superlens | Ngày: 04/06/2015 | Lượt xem: 2781 | Lượt tải: 5

  • Cơ sở giáo học pháp biên soạn sách giáo khoa tiếng Nga cho sinh viên không chuyên ngữ khối khoa học xã hội và nhân văn (dùng cho việc dạy-Học đọc)Cơ sở giáo học pháp biên soạn sách giáo khoa tiếng Nga cho sinh viên không chuyên ngữ khối khoa học xã hội và nhân văn (dùng cho việc dạy-Học đọc)

    Понять людей других национальностей, постигнуть их историю и культуру – мечта многих людей. Без овладения иностранным языком трудно удовлетворить эти культурные потребности. Владение иностранным языком необходимо особенно сейчас, когда в мире происходит процесс интеграции. Повышаются квалификационные требования к специалистам нового типа как к «меж...

    doc261 trang | Chia sẻ: superlens | Ngày: 04/06/2015 | Lượt xem: 1805 | Lượt tải: 0